
№ 17

“There Must Be Order in Everything” — reporting from one fishing control road.
“Poachers are Ineradicable. But Resources?” — the overview of the Far-Eastern criminal fishing chronicle.

№ 20

“Satellite Monitoring — Real Chance to Change Situation” — about introduction of total control system of fishing fleet of Russia.

№ 22

“On Scale of Commercial Fishing” — poaching in the Far-East scaled up to commercial fishing.

№ 23

“Computing Technologies Protect Fishing Stocks” — how inspectors from the Special Marine Inspection of Kamchatka region use new technologies to fight with poachers.

№ 24

“Everything Just Begins” — about the joint project of Kamchatrybvod and WWF about satellite control for fishing activity of Russian fishermen.

№ 25

“Poaching Days” — criminal chronicle of Far-Eastern fishing.