
№ 4

“Ship-Repairing of Distant Russia — Decline or Perspective” — a problematic article about the condition of ship-repairing as the most important branch of the Far-Eastern national economy.

№ 15

“Rebith of Kamchatka Shore” — the shore of Kamchatka is ruined, but there are companies trying to find their economic niche and survive, become stronger. The article runs about such fishing companies.

№ 22

“Kolkhoz in Favour of Leader of World Proletariat” — problems of rebirth of one of the biggest fishing kolkhozes of the Soviet Union — Kamchatka kolkhoz in favour of Vladimir Lenin.

№ 23

“To Work without Debts” — general director of the fishing company of Kamchatka “Kamchatimpex” Mikhail Malashenko tells about the history of his company and the problems of working in fishing industry.

№ 24

“I Try to Keep My Word” — how one of the oldest fishing companies of Kamchatka — fishing artel in favour of Bekerev — managed to hold on in the competitive fight and win. The story of chairman of the artel Alexander Tkachenko.

№ 25

“Challenge to Competition, or What Fishing Manufactures Enter Third Millennium with” — interview with president of “Polluks” fishing company Vasily Polukarov about the history of company foundation and competitive fight on the fishing market and during fishery.