Scientific Debates and Prognoses:

№ 1(52)

“Thoughts about Future” of Vyacheslav Shuntov, chief research worker of TINRO-center.

№ 2(53)

“Directions to Captains of Fishing Vessels about How Not to Be Discharged” — based on work of Vladimir Burkanov “Whales-Spongers”.

№ 5(56)

“Problem of Southern Kurils in the Light of Conception of Russian Federation National Safety” — the author of the article V. Mitrokhin thinks that there is no “Kurils problem” at all. There is a problem of claims of Japan on Russian territory, based on unscrupulousness of the Japanese department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia.
“Non-Targeted Species: Is It Real to Exploit Their Stocks Now?” — the opinion of Aleksei Tokranov, reseach worker of Kamchatka Institute of Ecology and Environment.