№ 9, May, 18th, 2000

Fishing Mob:
“Somebody Is Given Kick. Goskomrybolovsvo Intends to Take Fishing Industry of Primorye under Control” — as S. Petrov writes (“Izvestia”, Moscow) “fishing officials of Primorye do not long for catching of the quotas, but speculate and re-sell them, on the other hand there is poaching catch of seaproducts, without any quotas… ”
State and Fishing Industry:
“We Need Laws!” — Governor of Sakhalin Igor Farkhutdinov writes in his appeal to the chairman of Goskomrybolovstvo Yury Sinelnik — the governor of Sakhalin raises the whole complex of fishery problems, Goskomrybolovstvo does not care of.
Expansion of Primorye fishing oligarchs:
“Informational “myth”, or There is No Smoke without Fire” — about the proposal made supposedly by “Dal’moreproduct” about the creation of one supercompany which all the biggest companies of the Far East will join and our commentary.
“Our Patriot Runs Further When does He Stop?” — “Arsen’evskie vesti” about Fraud Didenko-Nazdratenko regards 11 Spanish-built supertrawlers of “Dal’moreproduct-Trawlers”.
If Keep within Law:
“Goskomrybolovstvo Again Got into Mess” — the article about the problems of drift-net fishery in the open sea, which Japanese fishermen lead in the Russian economic zone, cause damage to both nature and Russia.