Сахалинские письма #30

Дорогие друзья!

На этот раз мы рассылаем не Сахалинские, а Каспийские нефтяные новости. Мы это делаем по просьбе наших азербайджанских коллег (они просят ознакомить с этой информацией как можно больше людей).

Приносим извинения русскоязычной аудитории за то, что это только по английски.

Удачи!***************Дмитрий Лисицын,
Экологическая вахта Сахалина.

Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 23:56:13 +0400
From: "Dr. Elchin Sultanov" sultanov@azeurotel.com
Organization: Azerbaijan Ornithological Society
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Susan Cutting scutting@igc.apc.org
Subject: SOS information

SOS on the Caspian sea — OIL POLLUTION

Our last expeditions 19.06.99 on the little island Dashlar (Rocks, Kamni) near cape Alat in 70 km to south-west from Baku and on island Zenbil close to these islands showed catastrophic oil pollution in this region little islands was covered by oil on 60-70% of its territory. We found 7 dead seals (tulen), two sturgeon fishes near 100 dead oiled birds of different species (coots, herring gulls, crested grebe, red-necked grebe and teal duck). Many oiled nests and dead oiled nestlings of Herring gull. In general number of nesting gulls on island Zenbil was 2,5-3,0 times lesser than in 1996. Even water around islands was very oiled.

We ask inform about it as many as possible people and organizations because as rule in Azerbaijan the facts of oil pollution have not resonance and local mass media and official organisations have not big interest for such facts. We have photo pictures of oiled birds, seals and fishes but still I can not send their by computer may be later we can make this also.

In may-June 1998 and later during all 1998 we informed mass media in Azerbaijan and ornithological activists in world about mass decease of birds from oil in the same region (near 30000 waterbirds from 6 species) but this have not resonance. Now we again register fact of strong oil pollution and decease of birds and seals and fishes in the same region. We speak — this region is the place of chronicle oil pollution with periodical very strong pollution with mass mortality of waterbirds and other water organisms. Necessary require from all responsible faces and organizations to make measures again oil pollution.

Chairman of Azerbaijan Ornithological Society (Ornithological Section of Azerbaijan Zoological Society)
Elchin Sultanov

Northern Eurasia Environmental Assistance Project scutting@igc.org Sacred Earth Network Tel: (978) 724-3443
267 East Street Fax: (978) 724-3436
Petersham, MA 01366 http://www.igc.org/sen
